In Celebration of Open Data
It’s not every day I get to write something that is just fun. In celebration of OpenCon, and to recognise all of the fantastic articles that we’ve published at PLOS with a focus on Data Sharing across all of the PLOS journals, we’re really excited to announce today the launch of a PLOS Open Data Collection.
Several of our dedicated Data team from across journals pulled together a bunch of papers published in recent times all about data. And then with the help of the ever-enthusiastic and very dedicated Melissa Haendel, we whittled down the list to a more manageable sub-set. You can read more about Melissa’s selection process here and why she picked some of these great papers.
Take a look at the collection, we’ll be updating it with more of our data papers soon, so bookmark it now. These Open Access papers often provide instructional insights into best practice and guidelines for challenges encountered around data sharing, whether data management plans, licensing, or from a more granular view of “how to” in a specific field. We hope these might help empower the next generation to advance Open Access, Open Education and Open Data.