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The PLOS Biology XV Collection: Celebrating 15 years of Outstanding Open Science across Disciplines


In October of 2018 PLOS Biology will celebrate its 15-year anniversary. As of October 2017, we’d published 4,362 articles which have garnered a staggering 226,463 citations. Our corpus includes foundational works in all aspects of the biological sciences, from cognitive neuroscience to conservation ecology. The editors, both staff and Academic, are extremely proud of the quality and breadth of science published in our journal. PLOS Biology has also been pivotal within the Open Access movement, which in the 15 years since our launch has exploded and continues to revolutionize science communication.


In 2013, for our 10 Year Anniversary we collected 10 of our top papers, which you can peruse here (also see links to the 10 associated PLOS Biologue posts here). Extending this theme, to mark and celebrate the journal’s 15th Anniversary, we’ll be publishing a series of 12 blog posts on PLOS Biologue—one per month—each featuring an article selected by one of our hard-working and highly-respected Editorial Board Members. Each post will highlight that editor’s favorite article along with a brief summary and commentary on the importance of the article for the respective field, and the blog posts and papers will accumulate in this Collection.


Kicking off our celebration is Sandy Schmid, a long-time board member and trusted advisor. Her blog post,”Watching a Vesicle Form,” discusses the article “A High Precision Survey of the Molecular Dynamics of Mammalian Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis” by Christian Merrifield and colleagues. This research used state-of-the-art imaging techniques to reveal bold new insights into the complex choreography of clathrin-mediated endocytosis.


Help us celebrate & tweet your thoughts using the hashtag #PLOSBIO15… and let us know what your favorite article is in your field!


Featured image credit: Maxpixel, CC0


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