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When you choose to publish with PLOS, your research makes an impact. Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open.


Biological science at PLOS: Your publishing options, explained

Work of global societal importance deserves a global platform. We make advanced biological science research accessible to read without fees, limits or delays. 

Illuminating significant research questions across the biological sciences

In 2022, we shared research from over 6,976 authors in 58 countries, and received over 29,627 mentions worldwide.* 

Want to know more about our biological science journals, and how they can help your work become more discoverable? 

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Publication scope 

All of our biological science journals seek to publish research of exceptional significance in the specific field. PLOS Biology covers all areas of biological science, from molecules to ecosystems. Our portfolio also publishes research relating specifically to the fields of genetics and genomics, computational methods in biology, and works that advance the understanding of pathogens and their interactions. 

Each journal also publishes a range of different article types, so that there’s a home for your work, no matter the format. Learn more. 

Plan S & funder compliance

As more and more publishers begin to offer Open Access options, finding out whether or not your article will meet funder requirements can leave some researchers feeling confused. PLOS journals check all the boxes for major OA funders, so you never have to worry if your article is eligible. 

PLOS meets or exceeds all Plan S requirements and recommendations. That won’t change as cOAlition S moves forward with the next phase of Plan S implementation

Benefits of publishing with PLOS

All PLOS journals have been fully Open Access from the very beginning. By providing immediate and unrestricted access to the latest research, we can accelerate discovery and create a more equitable system of knowledge that is open to all. 

  • Tell the full story of your science through your research questions, protocols, data, and even negative outcomes to build a foundation for replicable research.
  • Broad visibility and openness helps researchers, funders, and policymakers discover your research.
  • From preprints to published peer review history, you can customize your experience to share your work earlier and add context.
  • Track your contributions automatically through CRediT and ORCID and use article-level metrics to demonstrate the impact of your work.

Our biological science journals

Want to know more about our biological science journals, and how they can help your work become more discoverable? 

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