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10th International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetics and Genomics 2019 (May 26 – 29, 2019): Tosso Leeb

As part of its mission to encourage engagement within the genetics community, PLOS Genetics is sponsoring a number of conferences and meetings this year. In order to raise awareness about these conferences and the researchers who attend them, we are featuring a number of these conferences on Biologue, with posts written by the organizers, or the PLOS Genetics editors who are involved. Tosso Leeb is an Associate Editor for PLOS Genetics and co-chair of the 10th ICCFGG.


The 10th International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetics and Genomics will be held from May 26 – 29, 2019 at the Kursaal conference center in Bern, Switzerland.  The conference will be of interest to veterinarians and researchers who work on inherited diseases, cancer, behavioral and morphological traits, evolutionary biology, and related areas in cats and dogs.


Dogs and cats have become valuable models for human medicine.  They share many Mendelian diseases with humans and their special population structure greatly facilitates the identification of the underlying causative genetic variants.  They also represent highly valuable cancer models. In contrast to mouse models, tumors in dogs and cats develop spontaneously and show many parallels with human tumors regarding tumor progression and therapy resistance.  The value of dogs and cats for biomedical research and their impact on human and veterinary medicine will be one important theme of the conference.  Scientists from all over the world will also report on the latest progress in the genetics of behavior and morphology.  The evolution and population history of cat and dog breeds will be discussed in several oral and poster contributions.  The first day of the conference is a dedicated bioinformatics workshop during which the latest developments in computational methods and database resources will be presented to biologists and veterinarians. Invited key note lectures will be given by Roderic Guigo from the CRG Barcelona on non-coding RNAs in the human transcriptome, and Catherine Peichel from the University of Bern on stickleback evolution.


A Leonberger dog. At the conference, Anna Letko et al. will present the population structure of this breed together with risks of inherited diseases in specific breeding lines. Photo: Anna Letko.

The topics to be covered during the conference include:

Bioinformatics Workshop: Genome Assemblies, Variant Discovery and Annotation

Genome Biology

Population History




Mendelian diseases

Morphology and Coat Color


The scientific organizing committee of the meeting consists of: Gregory Barsh (HudsonAlpha & Editor-in-Chief at PLOS Genetics), Adam Boyko (Cornell University), Christophe Hitte (University of Rennes), Tosso Leeb (University of Bern & Associate Editor at PLOS Genetics), Hannes Lohi (University of Helsinki), Cathryn Mellersh (Animal Health Trust), Rondo Middleton (Nestlé Purina), Ned Patterson (University of Minnesota), Rachael Thomas (North Carolina State University), Claire Wade (University of Sydney).


To find out more about this year’s International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetics and Genomics visit the conference website at

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