Statement from PLOS: PLOS Blogs is, and will continue to be, a forum that allows scientists to debate controversial topics. However, given…
Debate Post Removed by PLOS – The Fight Over Transparency: Round Two
Bioinformatics Detecting cancer-causing genes, computing how to beat jetlag and a review of research into decision-making: The PLOS Comp Biol April issue
Here is our selection of PLOS Computational Biology highlights for April. Computational prediction of cancer-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from SNP datasets…
post Wearable science: The 2014 PLOS Comp Biol T-shirt competition
What do you want to see on the front of this year’s PLOS Comp Biol t-shirt? Enter our fifth annual t-shirt competition…
Bioinformatics The dynamical relationship of brain structure and function, environmental factors affecting autism and a budgie’s flight path: the PLOS Comp Biol March issue
Here is our selection of highlights published in PLOS Computational Biology for March. The relationship between brain structure and function is a…
post Welcoming three new Deputy Editors-in-Chief at PLOS Computational Biology
We’re thrilled to announce the appointment of three new Deputy Editors-in-Chief (DEICs) for PLOS Computational Biology: Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Jason Papin and Olaf…
Biology Understanding allostery, constructing structural pathways and exploring a new trend in data integration: the PLOS Comp Biol February issue
Here’s our pick of the best PLOS Computational Biology content for February. The capacity of biological molecular data acquisition is growing faster…
post Dynamics of leadership in dog packs, communication in the cerebral cortex and modelling anti-tumour immunity: the PLOS Comp Biol January issue
Here is our selection of highlights for PLOS Computational Biology’s January issue. The movement of a pack of Hungarian Vizslas was tracked by…
Bioinformatics Reviewing software and code: an update
On June 14th 2013 Mozilla Science Lab announced their collaboration with PLOS Computational Biology. The collaboration was a trial series of software…
Bioinformatics Controlling medically-induced comas, deciding not to decide, and a note from the Editor-in-Chief: the PLOS Comp Biol October issue
Here’s our pick of the best PLOS Computational Biology content for October. In a step towards improving the process of sedation, Maryam…
Bioinformatics Building a community resource: the ISCB Wikipedia Competition
Educating current and future generations of computational biologists is one of the main objectives of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)…
Biology Yet another thing for which to blame/thank your mother – your microbes
Wash your hands all the time. Sterilize your kitchen counters. Take antibiotics whenever you have a cough or an itchy throat. Avoid dirt and pets…