On Monday, PLOS Biology published two articles on citation metric-based evaluation of published research. In the first, a Meta-Research Article (a…
Advocacy Double bill on citation metrics: A new alternative to the Impact Factor plus a handy guide to citation normalization
Announcement PLOS Computational Biology Symposium 2016
We are pleased to invite you to attend a PLOS Computational Biology Symposium at the National Institutes of Health. The details of…
Announcement Why Your Research Matters!
The landscape of science is always shifting and in the last ten years we’ve seen a significant change brought by revolutionary discoveries…
Announcement 2nd Gordon Research Conference on Centromere Biology (24-29 July 2016): Beth Sullivan
As part of its mission to encourage engagement within the genetics community, PLOS Genetics is sponsoring a number of conferences and meetings…
Biology PLOS Biology is at FENS Forum 2016!
The 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience started on July 2nd, 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark. PLOS Biology and the rest of the PLOS…
Community PLOS Computational Biology T-Shirt Design Winner Announced
PLOS Computational Biology is pleased to announce the winner of our 2016 t-shirt competition! This year’s t-shirt was designed by Luigi Di Costanzo…
Announcement “Slice of PLOS” Grows Wings
We hope that you’ve been enjoying our blog post series “Slices of PLOS.” These posts were designed to feature research articles…
Cell biology Macromolecular Modeling, Nailing Allostery, and Drug-Centric Drug Development: the PLOS Comp Biol April Issue
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology April Issue: Principles and Overview of Sampling Methods for Modeling Macromolecular Structure and…
Cancer Network Analysis of Cancer, Studying Allostery by NMR, and Life in the Vogel Lab: the PLOS Comp Biol March Issue
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology March issue: Understanding Genotype-Phenotype Effects in Cancer via Network Approaches Cancer is now…
Announcement The 2016 PLOS Comp Biol T-shirt Competition is now open!
What do you want to see on the front of this year’s PLOS Comp Biol t-shirt? Enter our t-shirt competition by sending…
Announcement Is the p-value pointless?
For the first time in its 177-year history, the American Statistical Association (ASA) has voiced its opinion and made specific recommendations for…
Advocacy Meta-Research: Getting the Most Out of Research
Scientific research, often portrayed as the acme of human rigorous thought, is actually an activity that’s grown rather organically over the centuries…