Two months after the implementation of the PLOS journals’ data policy, what have we learned from our authors, reviewers, editors, correspondents, and…
post PLOS Data Policy: Update
post Scientific misconduct allegations: tell me, what would you do?
What is the appropriate way to investigate allegations of misconduct? At PLOS Biology we can attest anecdotally to an increase (which others…
Debate A Dispatch from the Genetic Frontier
I never thought I had all that much in common with the glamorous film star Angelina Jolie – until May of this…
Data Dealing with data
PLoS Biology aspires to drive openness in data use and re-use, not just open access to the literature. We are pleased to…
Editorial policy What’s there to gain from a well explained presubmission enquiry?
Like many journals, PLoS Biology has seen the number of presubmission enquiries/ inquiries increase steadily over time. Sometimes these enquiries genuinely serve…
Announcement From Academic Editor in Chief to Chair of the Advisory Board: figuring out an official role for me (Jonathan Eisen) at PLoS Biology
Well, three+ years ago now I accepted a role as “Academic Editor in Chief” of PLoS Biology. I wrote an Editorial about…