We’re taking a look back at the articles that have made a splash in the last 12 months, both in terms…
Biology Biggest Hits – PLOS Biology in the Media in 2017
Biology The XV Collection: Watching a Vesicle Form
By Sandy Schmid Living cells face a dilemma; in order to prevent the unregulated influx and efflux of molecules they…
Biology The PLOS Biology XV Collection: Celebrating 15 years of Outstanding Open Science across Disciplines
In October of 2018 PLOS Biology will celebrate its 15-year anniversary. As of October 2017, we’d published 4,362 articles which have…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – December
December has been a bumper month at PLOS Biology; here’s a roundup of some of the best bits in the media…
Biology PLOS Biology Explores Gaps between Environmental Health Science and Policy
Donald Trump had been president less than a week when he vowed to slash regulations by 75 percent. Within two weeks of…
Biology Urban human activity revealed by phone use, how fish flock together, and epimutations hit same genes as mutations in cancer
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology November issue: Tracking urban human activity from mobile phone calling patterns For humans…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – November
Welcome to the first of a new series of blog posts discussing what has been hitting the press this month in…
Announcement Announcing the 2017 PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize Winners
Earlier this year, PLOS Computational Biology launched the “PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize” program with the aim of recognizing the journal’s best Research…
Biology Flu pandemic emergence, genesis of thalamic oscillations, making sense of tumor heterogeneity, ten simple rules for responding to reviewers and structuring papers
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology October issue: Seasonality in risk of pandemic influenza emergence Influenza pandemics…
Announcement Gordon Research Conference on Epigenetics (July 30 – August 4, 2017): John Greally
As part of its mission to encourage engagement within the genetics community, PLOS Genetics is sponsoring a number of conferences and meetings this…
Announcement Chromatin goes green in Wien: Highlights from the 5th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin (Vienna, Austria, June 1-2, 2017)
Authors: Sean A. Montgomery, Jasmin Bassler, Mattia Doná, Ruben Gutzat (all at Gregor Mendel Institute), Iva Mozgova (Centre Algatech) As part of…
Bioinformatics Bad Identifiers are the Potholes of the Information Superhighway: Take-Home Lessons for Researchers
By Julie McMurry, Lilly Winfree, Melissa Haendel This is a guest post by three of the authors of a recent…