In PLOS Biology this week you can read about a new General Ecosystem Model for predicting the effects of human activities, a…
Bioinformatics This week in PLOS Biology
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week you can read about saving the world’s fish stocks, the intricacies of insect flight, non-human drumming, a…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week you can read about neurons involved in circadian rhythms, decision-making in rats, modulation of a key cancer…
Biology Collective behaviour, RAS and DNA repair, Semaphorin’s role in reproduction: this week in PLOS Biology
Systems biology looks at the big picture of complex interactions within biological systems; one example is collective behaviour, where a system comprising…
Biology The Contagion of Age
When one thinks of the ageing, or ‘senescence’, of organisms, visions of aging and age-related deterioration often come to mind. But we tend…
Blog A BRCA Journey
Geneticist and science writer Ricki Lewis describes a personal journey relating to the BRCA1 “breast cancer gene”, to coincide with the publication…
Biology PLOS Biology – open for cancer research
Cancer, the big C, is not just a single disease; it is a complex beast that, according to data from the National…
Biology AACR Collection 2013
The Editorial team at PLOS Biology believes strongly that we are Open for a Reason; precisely so that research in areas of high importance…
Biology PLOS Biology in the Media
The holiday period was a rather busy time at PLOS Biology, with a number of our published articles receiving significant attention both…