On Monday, PLOS Biology published two articles on citation metric-based evaluation of published research. In the first, a Meta-Research Article (a…
Advocacy Double bill on citation metrics: A new alternative to the Impact Factor plus a handy guide to citation normalization
Announcement PLOS Computational Biology Symposium 2016
We are pleased to invite you to attend a PLOS Computational Biology Symposium at the National Institutes of Health. The details of…
Community PLOS Computational Biology T-Shirt Design Winner Announced
PLOS Computational Biology is pleased to announce the winner of our 2016 t-shirt competition! This year’s t-shirt was designed by Luigi Di Costanzo…
Announcement Aperta: Smoother Submission to PLOS Biology
UPDATE June 8, 2018: PLOS Biology uses the Editorial Manager submission system. Find out how to submit. Today, PLOS Biology blazes a new…
Announcement Is the p-value pointless?
For the first time in its 177-year history, the American Statistical Association (ASA) has voiced its opinion and made specific recommendations for…
Announcement PLOS Genetics’ Tenth Anniversary
2015 marks the tenth anniversary of publishing cutting-edge research at PLOS Genetics. Since the inaugural issue on the 25th of July 2005…
Announcement Meet the “PLOSSE” at ISMB 2014
Heading to the ISCB’s annual conference, ISMB 2014, July 11– 15, in Boston this year? Swing by Booth 409 and say hello…
Biology PLOS Biology Paper Wins Omenn Prize for Viral Evasion Story
We talk to the authors of a PLOS Biology research article published last May that has just won the Omenn Prize for…
Bioinformatics Detecting cancer-causing genes, computing how to beat jetlag and a review of research into decision-making: The PLOS Comp Biol April issue
Here is our selection of PLOS Computational Biology highlights for April. Computational prediction of cancer-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from SNP datasets…
Biology “Fish Fins and Fingers” Feeding Frenzy
How did we first acquire the limbs that allowed us to crawl onto dry land? Could the fins of our fishy ancestors…
Announcement The Changing Face of Education at PLOS Computational Biology
In January 2006, Fran Lewitter, PLOS Computational Biology Founding Education Editor, announced the launch of a new Education column in the journal. This…
Announcement The Significance of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the Challenges Ahead
Following the announcement of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, PLOS Computational Biology Editor-in-Chief Ruth Nussinov discusses the implications of this award…