As this year’s nominations draw to a close, we are excited to announce the launch of our PLOS Computational Biology Research…
Announcement Announcing the PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize Collection
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – March
March has been a bumper month at PLOS Biology with lots of research hitting the press. A selection of our top…
Biology The XV Collection: How Bats Land Head-Over-Heels
by Anders Hedenström Flight in animals is energetically very costly, but because of its speed it can result in an…
Announcement Announcing the PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize 2018 – Nominate your favorite articles by April 13
We’re pleased to announce that nominations are now open for this year’s PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize. This program recognizes the…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – February
PLOS Biology has something for everyone this month with a wide range of biological research hitting the press. February saw studies…
Biology Understanding Images: Traffic jam causes immune cell road rage
Authors: Steven J. Del Signore and Avital A. Rodal, Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, Brandeis University, United States of America Competing…
Biology The XV Collection: The Exquisite Precision of T Cell Receptors
by Avinash Bhandoola and Christelle Harly The vertebrate adaptive immune system can distinguish invaders from self with exquisite precision. The T…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – January
Welcome to the first PLOS Biology media blog of 2018! We’re starting the year with a bang, with research on marine…
Biology Biggest Hits – PLOS Biology in the Media in 2017
We’re taking a look back at the articles that have made a splash in the last 12 months, both in terms…
Biology The XV Collection: Watching a Vesicle Form
By Sandy Schmid Living cells face a dilemma; in order to prevent the unregulated influx and efflux of molecules they…
Biology The PLOS Biology XV Collection: Celebrating 15 years of Outstanding Open Science across Disciplines
In October of 2018 PLOS Biology will celebrate its 15-year anniversary. As of October 2017, we’d published 4,362 articles which have…
Announcement Announcing the 2017 PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize Winners
Earlier this year, PLOS Computational Biology launched the “PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize” program with the aim of recognizing the journal’s best Research…