Spinal cord injuries are mostly caused by trauma, often incurred in road traffic or sporting incidents, often with devastating and irreversible consequences…
Biology Will Stem Cell Therapy Help Cure Spinal Cord Injury?
Biology Reconstructing gene regulatory networks, dreading future pain and the About My Lab collection: the PLOS Comp Biol November issue
Here is our selection PLOS Computational Biology highlights for November. The study of gene regulatory networks is essential to understanding how diseases…
Conference PLOS Biology at SfN 2013: Open for Neuroscience
At PLOS Biology, we believe strongly that we are open for a reason: our aim is to publish high quality research in…
Bioinformatics Controlling medically-induced comas, deciding not to decide, and a note from the Editor-in-Chief: the PLOS Comp Biol October issue
Here’s our pick of the best PLOS Computational Biology content for October. In a step towards improving the process of sedation, Maryam…
Biology We Have the Technology…
“Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin…
Biology It’s official – the animal study literature is biased… but whose fault is it?
Testing a new drug on human subjects is expensive, risky and ethically complex, so the vast majority of potential treatments are…
Biology PLOS Biology in the Media
The holiday period was a rather busy time at PLOS Biology, with a number of our published articles receiving significant attention both…
Biology Marking the passing of time
We are constantly tracking the passage of time, from waiting for our kettle to boil to monitoring traffic lights. The ways in…
Cell biology PLoS Biology round up
In this week’s PLoS Biology roundup, we feature research articles reporting new discoveries, ranging from sleep regulation to the role of heat…