Fungi are essential elements of all ecosystems and provide many important services, most notably decomposition. While the classic role of fungi is…
Biology Slice of PLOS: A Fungus Among Us
Announcement PLOS Genetics Research Prize 2016: Winner Announced
The PLOS Genetics Editors-in-Chief and Senior Editors would like to congratulate: Santiago Naranjo, Justin D. Smith, Carlo G. Artieri, Mian Zhang, Yiqi…
Announcement PLOS Computational Biology Symposium 2016
We are pleased to invite you to attend a PLOS Computational Biology Symposium at the National Institutes of Health. The details of…
Environment One super-susceptible clone, a versatile fungus and failing fungicides – black Sigatoka and banana
Why do we accept just one banana variety in Western supermarkets? It’s unsustainable and threatens livelihoods and food security. By Gert HJ…
Biology Gut Bacteria – The Movie
The growing interest in the trillions of bacteria that live inside our guts is underlined by the >10,000 people who read…
Biology PLOS Biology is at FENS Forum 2016!
The 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience started on July 2nd, 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark. PLOS Biology and the rest of the PLOS…
Biology Understanding Images: Coat of Invisibility – How Trypanosoma brucei Evades Recognition
Author: Galadriel Hovel-Miner, George Washington University, Washington DC, United States. Competing Interests: Galadriel Hovel-Miner is an author of the article discussed…
Announcement PLOS Biology is at ASM Microbe 2016!
This year’s American Society of Microbiology conference, ASM Microbe 2016, kicks off on June 16th, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. PLOS Biology…
Biology Conservation Research: Aiming at the Wrong Target?
Six years ago, the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, which included 20 specific goals, known as the…
Biology Understanding Images: Watching New Species Evolve in Real Time
Author: David A. Marques, University of Bern and Eawag, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland. Competing interests: David A. Marques is an author of the article…
Biology Slice of PLOS: 57 Varieties of Tomato
This beautiful berry, domesticated in the Americas more than 2500 years ago, and introduced to the Old World in the 16th…
Announcement Is the p-value pointless?
For the first time in its 177-year history, the American Statistical Association (ASA) has voiced its opinion and made specific recommendations for…