Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the July issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Crowdsourcing image analysis for plant phenomics to generate ground truth…
Cell biology Crowdsourcing plant phenomic data, bacterial niche construction abilities, protocell evolution, microRNA target prediction
Computational biology Cleaning up draft genomes, identifying allosteric sites, learning in visual cortex
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the June issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Reversing allosteric communication: From detecting allosteric sites to inducing…
Community PLOS Computational Biology T-Shirt Design Winner Announced
PLOS Computational Biology is pleased to announce the winner of our 2018 t-shirt competition! This year’s t-shirt design was entered by…
Cell biology Deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease, modelling chromatin dynamics, ant obstacle courses
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the May issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Quantitative theory of deep brain stimulation of…
Announcement Winners of the 2018 PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize
It’s time to celebrate the best of PLOS Computational Biology! In 2017 PLOS Computational Biology launched the “PLOS Computational Biology Research…
Computational biology Automated quaternary structure determination, computational antibody design, and cell-tracking in developing embryos
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the April issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Automated evaluation of quaternary structures from protein crystals X-ray…
Careers Running an interdisciplinary bioscience course, and reconstructing the 3D structure of the genome from 4C data (4Cin) and from super-resolution microscopy (ChromoTrace)
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the March issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Eleven quick tips for running an interdisciplinary short…
Announcement Announcing the PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize Collection
As this year’s nominations draw to a close, we are excited to announce the launch of our PLOS Computational Biology Research…
Community The 2018 PLOS Comp Biol T-shirt Competition is now open!
What do you want to see on the front of this year’s PLOS Comp Biol t-shirt? Enter our t-shirt competition by sending…
Biology The XV Collection: How Bats Land Head-Over-Heels
by Anders Hedenström Flight in animals is energetically very costly, but because of its speed it can result in an…
Announcement Announcing the PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize 2018 – Nominate your favorite articles by April 13
We’re pleased to announce that nominations are now open for this year’s PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize. This program recognizes the…
Computational biology Predicting infectious disease epidemics, probing gene regulatory networks with memory functions, explaining microbial growth/yield trade-offs
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the February issue of PLOS Computational Biology: Prediction of infectious disease epidemics…