PLOS Medicine, PLOS Computational Biology and PLOS ONE announce a cross-journal Call for Papers for high-quality research that applies or develops…
Announcement Machine Learning in Health and Biomedicine: A PLOS Medicine, PLOS Computational Biology, and PLOS ONE Call for Papers
Biology Exploiting protein domain co-occurrence, switching the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, optimising glioblastoma treatment, and modelling the metabolism of the malaria parasite
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the January issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Improving pairwise comparison of protein…
Biology Biggest Hits – PLOS Biology in the Media in 2017
We’re taking a look back at the articles that have made a splash in the last 12 months, both in terms…
Computational biology Microbial association networks, error in sensorimotor learning, genetic drift in range expansions
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology December issue: MPLasso: Inferring microbial association networks using prior microbial knowledge Microbial…
Biology Urban human activity revealed by phone use, how fish flock together, and epimutations hit same genes as mutations in cancer
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology November issue: Tracking urban human activity from mobile phone calling patterns For humans…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – November
Welcome to the first of a new series of blog posts discussing what has been hitting the press this month in…
Announcement Announcing the 2017 PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize Winners
Earlier this year, PLOS Computational Biology launched the “PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize” program with the aim of recognizing the journal’s best Research…
Biology Flu pandemic emergence, genesis of thalamic oscillations, making sense of tumor heterogeneity, ten simple rules for responding to reviewers and structuring papers
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology October issue: Seasonality in risk of pandemic influenza emergence Influenza pandemics…
Cell biology Modeling Antibiotic Treatment in Hospitals, Inferring Synaptic Plasticity from Spiking, and Synthesizing Developmental Trajectories
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology September issue: Modeling antibiotic treatment in hospitals: A systematic approach shows benefits…
Blog A neuron’s eye view, recovering from intestinal cleanout, and models of cancer cell line metabolism
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology August issue: A systems approach reveals distinct metabolic strategies among the NCI-60…
Computational biology Mapping high-throughput data onto networks, modelling bacteria in 3D Colonies, and developing algorithms for Molecular Dynamics
Check out our highlights from the PLOS Computational Biology July issue: PCSF: An R-package for network-based interpretation of high-throughput data With…
Announcement Nominations open for the PLOS Computational Biology Research Prize!
Have you read a 2016 PLOS Computational Biology Research Article that stood out for you in terms scientific excellence or impact on your field?…