Authors: Niklaus Zemp is a Post Doctoral Researcher and Alex Widmer is a Professor, both based at the Institute of Integrative Biology…
Biology Understanding Images: Host Gender and the Response to Fungal Infection
Blog 29th Annual International Mammalian Genome Conference: Piero Carninci and Teresa Gunn
As part of our mission to encourage engagement within the genetics community, PLOS Genetics sponsors conferences and meetings in the fields of…
Blog Deep Reads: Andreas Vilhelmsson’s journey into the world of global public health
The fifth entry for our Deep Reads blog series is written by Andreas Vilhelmsson, a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Global…
Biology Understanding Images: Seeing Myopia for What it Is- Potentially Treatable
In a post reflecting on August’s PLOS Genetics issue image, Andrei Tkatchenko explains the science behind the image. Author: Andrei V. Tkatchenko…
Biology Understanding Images: A Genetic Framework in Legumes Controls Infection of Nodules
In a piece reflecting on June’s PLOS Genetics issue image, authors Simon Kelly and Simona Radutoiu discuss the science behind their…
Biology Understanding images: microRNAs contribute to hair loss and follicle regression
In a piece reflecting on this month’s PLOS Genetics issue image, author Zhengquan Yu discusses the research behind Yuan et al. Author…
Blog Deep Reads: John Bryant reflects on a book that inspired his research
The fourth of our Deep Reads blog posts is written by John Bryant, a Professor Emeritus of Cell and Molecular Biology at…
Biology Restoring vision with a new optogenetic tool
Millions of people worldwide suffer from progressive degeneration of the eye’s photoreceptors (the light-sensing cells), leading ultimately to blindness. A recent therapeutic…
Blog Deep Reads: Daisy Hessenberger’s evolving perspective on Gerald Durrell’s books
Our third Deep Reads blog post, ‘Deep Reads: Daisy Hessenberger’s evolving perspective on Gerald Durrell’s books’, was written by Daisy Hessenberger, who…
Biology Understanding Images: Golden Retrievers Contribute to Cancer Research
This continues our series of blog posts from PLOS Genetics about our monthly issue images. Author Kerstin Lindblad-Toh discusses February’s issue image from…
Biology Chromosome Biology: You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
It might be hard to believe, but 2015 marks ten years of PLOS Genetics! To celebrate ten years of hard work, research…
Biology Understanding images: A giant single-celled plant
This continues our series of blog posts from PLOS Genetics about our monthly issue images. Author Daniel Chitwood discusses January’s issue image…