by Gert Wörheide Much of the world’s biodiversity to have evolved over the last 600+ million years of the Earth’s…
Announcement The GIGA Collection: Invertebrates Galore!
Cell biology Learning to ignore, rare phenotype transitions, allostery in networks, and processing raw single-cell data.
Irrelevance by inhibition: Learning, computation, and implications for schizophrenia Individuals with schizophrenia have difficulty ignoring ideas and experiences that most people…
Biology The XV Collection: Living l’AVIDA loca — origins of multicellularity
by Harmit Malik Even before John Maynard Smith formalized the term, evolutionary biologists have been fascinated by major evolutionary transitions…
Advocacy Post Removed by PLOS
Statement from PLOS: Please note that this blog post covering the Gordon Research Conference on Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration (February 11…
Cell biology Crowdsourcing plant phenomic data, bacterial niche construction abilities, protocell evolution, microRNA target prediction
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the July issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Crowdsourcing image analysis for plant phenomics to generate ground truth…
Biology The XV Collection: Perverse Outcomes of Novel Therapies
by Andrew Read Yale professor Steve Stearns once warned that the transition from Young Turk to Old Turkey happens quickly…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – July
The year is flying past, and July has been another month with several of our papers making the news. This month…
Biology The XV Collection: Anatomy of a Protein Kinase Spine and How to Break It
by Ann Stock The post-translational addition of phosphate groups to serine, threonine and tyrosine residues is a fundamental strategy for…
Computational biology Cleaning up draft genomes, identifying allosteric sites, learning in visual cortex
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the June issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Reversing allosteric communication: From detecting allosteric sites to inducing…
Community PLOS Computational Biology T-Shirt Design Winner Announced
PLOS Computational Biology is pleased to announce the winner of our 2018 t-shirt competition! This year’s t-shirt design was entered by…
Biology PLOS Biology in the media – June
June has been a busy month at PLOS Biology and this month we’ve covered a whole spectrum of Biology from…
Advocacy Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on DNA Topoisomerases in Biology and Medicine (July 28 – August 3, 2018): Lorena Infante Lara
As part of its mission to encourage engagement within the genetics community, PLOS Genetics is sponsoring a number of conferences and meetings…