Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the January issue of PLOS Computational Biology. The first one of 2019! Multi-study inference…
post Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks; Designing Antibiotic Cocktails and Modelling Synaptic Depression
Biology Speciation: a Few Big Genes or Many Little Ones?
by Simon Martin, Richard Merrill and Chris Jiggins NOTE: This blog post has been substantially abridged and edited by PLOS…
post Predicting drug targets; modelling heart mitochondria; assessing drug efficacy and safety; problems with predicting enhancer-promoter pairs.
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the December issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Predicting protein targets for drug-like compounds using transcriptomics…
Announcement The 2019 PLOS Computational Biology T-shirt Competition is now open!
What do you want to see on the front of this year’s PLOS Computational Biology t-shirt? Enter our t-shirt competition by…
Biology The XV Collection: Ethical Oversights in Ethical Oversight of Animal Research
By Jonathan Kimmelman Sometimes the life sciences work fantastically, as when insights into fundamental processes are transformed into life-saving treatments…
Community Small sequence motifs, the cultural brain, atlases of cognition, pupil dilation, and the Benchmarking Collection
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the November issue of PLOS Computational Biology with a special look our new Benchmarking collection. Motif-Aware…
Announcement PLOS Computational Biology Benchmarking section call for papers
PLOS Computational Biology is pleased to announce that we’re holding a call for papers focusing on Benchmarking in computational biology. The section…
Biotechnology He Jiankui’s Moral Mess
by Arthur Caplan A scientist named He Jiankui at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, shocked…
Biology The XV Collection: A Spotlight on Spottiness
By Sally Lowell Let’s start with a remarkable fact. Cells can, under the right conditions, organise themselves into patterns without any…
Cell biology Predicting Gene Enhancers; Optimising Vaccine Dose and Modelling Wound Healing
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the October issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Prediction of gene regulatory enhancers across species reveals…
post Modelling Actomyosin, KRAS Mutants and Hot Spring Microbial Interactions, and Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease Trajectories and Seasonal Influenza Outbreaks
Check out our Editors-in-Chief’s selection of papers from the [September] issue of PLOS Computational Biology. Emergent mechanics of actomyosin drive punctuated contractions and shape…
Biology The XV Collection: Auxin Transport — more a River Delta than a Stream
By Mark Estelle The sessile lifestyle of plants is enabled by remarkable developmental plasticity. Plant form is affected by a wide…